
Python: How to Make Bluetooth Proximity Checker by Raspberry PI

Submitted by admin on Tue, 01/10/2017 - 12:30

Specification - What I want to do
I would like to input in-out records at my company automagically by using Raspberry PI and detecting my iPhone's bluetooth signal. That is, I want to make bluetooth proximity checker with my Raspberry PI. The specification is:

Detect Bluetooth signal by Raspberry PI
When I come into my office, the system records the time to come into the office
When I leave from my office, the system records the time to leave out from the office
Integrate Google Sheet to record the time

That is only what I want to do. Think about the spending time to input the in/out time manually. We can reduce our precious 12-20 total hours through a year (Assuming 3-5 min per a day and 240 working days through a year in order to input the records). It can be converted to a half or a day.
Then, OK, Let's see how we can make it!