How to Control Apache2 JMeter Server Remotely on AWS EC2 from Local JMeter Client Inside FW

Submitted by admin on Wed, 09/14/2016 - 18:01

Security Group
It is enough to open the port 22 at Security Group on EC2

JMeter Server Configuration
cd apache-jmeter-3.0/bin
vi ./

Find and modify the following two lines
server_port=10991 # Server-side port from JMeter client: JMeter Client -> JMeter Server
server.rmi.localport=40001 # Server port to access to Client via RMI: JMeter Server -> JMeter Client

NOTE: SSH tunneling technique via Port 22 is used to communicate in between JMeter client and JMeter server for those two ports (10991 and 40001)
Modify the 2nd JMeter server (e.g. jmeter-2) and the 3rd one (e.g. jmeter-3) as follows if you want to control three remote JMeter servers
server_port=10992 # Server-side port from JMeter client: JMeter Client -> JMeter Server
server.rmi.localport=40002 # Server port to access to Client via RMI: JMeter Server -> JMeter Client

server_port=10993 # Server-side port from JMeter client: JMeter Client -> JMeter Server
server.rmi.localport=40003 # Server port to access to Client via RMI: JMeter Server -> JMeter Client

Run JMeter Server
./jmeter-server -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=

JMeter Client Configuration
cd apache-jmeter-3.0/bin
vi ./

Find and modify the following two lines
# JMeter Server hosts/addresses information that a JMeter client uses

# The port to receive RMI request from JMeter server to JMeter client

NOTE: SSH tunneling technique via Port 22 is used to communicate in between JMeter client and JMeter server for those two ports (10991 and 40001)
How to Connect to JMeter Servers via SSH Tunnel
Create or edit ~/.ssh/config
vi ~/.ssh/config

Add the following
Host jmeter-1
HostName # Server-side JMeter IP address (or hostname)
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
User root
LocalForward 10991 localhost:10991
LocalForward 10992 localhost:10992
LocalForward 10993 localhost:10993
LocalForward 40001 localhost:40001
LocalForward 40002 localhost:40002
LocalForward 40003 localhost:40003
RemoteForward 5000 localhost:5000

Establish a tunnel from JMeter client to jmeter-1 (You don't have to connect jmeter-2 or jmeter-3since the above configuration includes both jmeter-2 and jmeter-3 tunneling settings)
ssh jmeter-1

Run JMeter Client
./ -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=
